2017년 6월 7일 수요일

HASUH Pump Gate®, completed in Sillim-dong, Gwanak-gu,Seoul, Korea

Project               :  Sillim Pump Station
Pump Capacity  : Ф1,000mm x 150cmm x 2.8mH x 1ea
                           :  Ф900mm x 130cmm x 3.0mH x 2ea
Contract Period : 2012. 04. 10 ~ 07. 31
Location            : Sillim-dong, Gwanak-gu, Seoul, Korea

              Earth retaining wall is erected in order to prevent the earth from collapsing at the site.

             Two sets of bottom beam are positioned as the first step of guide frame installation.

                            Side beam is installed as the second step of guide frame installation.

                        Upper beam is installed as the final step of guide frame installation.

              Concrete structure is exposed with the concrete form removed after curing period.


       Piers for subway stand in the river at the right of the picture. Terrace land extends widely along
       the river. Heavy crane is seen extending the boom by the concrete structure for pump gate in the
       middle. Large buildings stand in the higher elevation along the terrace land.

         The front view of the concrete structure for the pump gate is seen under the bridge for the
          subway from the opposite side of the river.

        The above is the view from the top of pump gate structure. The waterway from the discharge
         of the pump gate is partially covered for the passing of people and vehicles on the terrace land.
         Pier and river are seen at the upper left corner.

                               Gate leaf for mounting two pumps is lifted for the installation.

        The left gate leaf has only one pump and the right has two pumps. Flap valves are mounted at
         the outlet of the pumps.

                               Actuators are installed at the top of the concrete structure.

                                             The above is the front view from the river.



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