2017년 6월 8일 목요일

HASUH Pump Gate®, completed in Yeomseong-ri/ Songkok-ri, Yeomchi-eup, Asan-city,Choongnam-do, Korea

Project               :  Yeomchi Pump Station
Pump Capacity  : Ф900mm x 103cmm x 4.5mH x 2ea
                          : Ф1,200mm x 200cmm x 4.0mH x 3ea
Contract Period : 2012. 03. 05 ~ 09. 21
Location            : Yeomseong-ri/ Songkok-ri, Yeomchi-eup, Asan-city, Choongnam-do, Korea

                                   Excavation is performed as the first civil work at the site.

                         Three sets of bottom beam are installed for guide frame at Yeomseong.

                            Three sets of upper beam are installed for guide frame at Yeomseong.

            All the data are displayed on the monitor during pump performance test at manufacturer's
             test shop for Factory Acceptance Test.

                 Gate leaf for mounting two pumps is installed along the guide frame at Songkok.

                             Actuator is lifted down on the top of the structure at Songkok.

              Local control panel is installed at the top platform of concrete structure at Songkok.

                     The above is the front view of the one set of gate with two pumps at Songkok.

          Gate leaf for mounting of one set of pump is installed along the guide frame at Yeomseong.

               Actuators are installed at the top platform of the concrete structure at Yeomseong.

        Local control panels are installed at the top platform of the pump gate structure at Yeomseong.

                         The above is the front view of three sets of pump gate at Yeomseong.

                                   The above is the side view of the pump gates at Yeomseong.

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