2017년 2월 2일 목요일

HASUH Pump Gate®, completed in Gwangpyeong-ri, Hadong-gun, Gyeongnam-do, Korea

Project               : Hadong Pump Station
Pump Capacity  : Ф1,350mm x 245cmm x 4.5mH x 1ea
Contract Period : 2010. 07. 22 ~ 11. 20
Location            : Gwangpyeong-ri, Hadong-gun, Gyeongnam-do, Korea

                      The above is the existing actuator which plays the role of opening / closing
                       of the blind gate within the concrete waterbox. The new project plans to
                       install a pump gate system after the removal of the existing facilities such
                       as actuator, blind gate and concrete waterbox etc.

                       Civil work starts the excavation after the removal of the existing facilities.

                                                The existing blind gate is removed.

                                 Concrete work is in progress after guide frame is installed.

                          Self descendable actuator is installed at the top of the test bench to show
                           the lifting capability for Factory Acceptance Test.

                                 Pump gate assembly waits for the connection by the spindle
                                  between the assembly and the actuator at the test bench for
                                  Factory Acceptance Test.

                      The concrete structure for the major equipments appears with the removal
                      of the form after the completion of the concrete curing.

                                     Roller gate is lifted from the trailer for the installation.

                       Pump gate is installed with main/side rollers guided within guide frame.

                                     Actuator is lifted from the trailer for the installation.

                              Local control panel waits for the lifting to be installed at the top.

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