2017년 2월 6일 월요일

HASUH Pump Gate®, completed in Kapuk Poglar, Jakarta, Indonesia

Project               : Pembangunan Pump Gate Project
Pump Capacity  : Ф700mm x 60cmm x 4.2mH x 6ea
Contract Period : 2010. 08. 30 ~ 11. 30
Location            : Kapuk Poglar, Jakarta, Indonesia

                    Jakarta has been suffered from flooding due to the low-lying area. It is severe
                    when sea level rises as high tide. River is unable to drain to the sea even in the
                    sunny days.

                        This project is planned at the existing station equipped with blind gates
                         without pumps.Thus the existing structure above ground shall be
                         demolished for the new structure building.

                        The existing lower structure is partially revamped for the new roller gates.

                              Bottom beam is erected at its position as part of the guide frame.

                                Side beam and upper beam are erected to form a guide frame.

                              Our general manager YongHyun Kim is dispatched to supervise
                               local construction work at the site.

                         Spindle is connected between the actuator and the pump gate assembly
                         to show the actuator's capability to lift the assembly at the test bench for
                         Factory Acceptance Test at Hasuh factory.

                       The actuator is installed at the top of the test bench for Factory Acceptance
                        Test at Hasuh factory.

                         Inspectors from Local Authority watch the pump gate assembly lifted
                         at the actuator test bench for Factory Acceptance Test.

                        Pump test is performed for Factory Acceptance Test at pump manufacturing

                                     Pump gate is installed at the newly revamped structure.

                               Actuator and local control panel are installed at the newly built
                                control room.

                           The yellow-colored room at the top is for the actuators and the local
                            control panels.

                            Director SeongGwi Kang is dispatched for the supervision prior to

                                     Pump gate is lifted for the pre-commissiong at the site.

                         Public officers from Local Authority attend the pre-commissioning for
                          the inspections.

                              The view from the top shows the upstreams along with the clean
                               street after the completion of the construction project.

                                 The above shows the front view of the pump gate facilities.

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