2017년 5월 30일 화요일

HASUH Pump Gate®, completed in Taein-dong, Gwangyang-city,Jeonnam-do, Korea

Project               :  Taein Pump Station
Pump Capacity  : Ф900mm x 100cmm x 4mH x 3ea
Contract Period : 2009. 04. 05 ~ 2010. 12. 31
Location            : Taein-dong, Gwangyang-city, Jeonnam-do, Korea

             Piling work is performed for reinforcing the ground on which pump gate is constructed.

                    Guide frame for hydraulic pump gate is erected prior to the civil concrete work.

      Horizontal and inclinde conveyor belt is installed for moving the debris filtered by rotary screen.

   Main body of the rotary screen in charge of filtering the debris is installed at the inlet of pump gate.

                          Pump is mounted on the gate prior to the installation of the pump gate.

   Hydraulic power unit is erected to supply the hydraulic power to the cylinder in order to open/ close
     the pump gate. Hydraulic cylinder is connected to the bracket of the pump gate.

       Flap gate had been installed in order to prevent seawater from flowing back on high tide across
       the road in front of the pump station. Revamping work is performed to replace the old flap gate.

                  The old flap gate is replaced with a new one at the spot neighboring seawater.

2017년 5월 29일 월요일

HASUH Pump Gate®, completed in Uijeongbu-city, Gyeonggi-do, Korea

Project               : Shinheung Village Pump Station
Pump Capacity  : Ф500mm x 34cmm x 3mH x 3ea
Contract Period : 2008. 05. 09 ~  07. 18
Location            : 92 Uijeongbu-dong, Uijeongbu-city, Gyeonggi-do, Korea

                            Civil rebar work is under way for outlet water way from pump gate.

          Erection of the guide frame for the pump gate is completed from bottom beam to upper beam.

        Pump is already mounted on the gate prior to the installation of pump gate into the guide frame.
        Flap valves are also attached to the outlet flange of the pumps. It is quite rare to mount three (3)
        pumps on a gate.

                           Actuator is lowered on the frame at the top of the concrete structure.

       Spindle cover is put on the spindles and the local control panel is positioned beside the actuator.

      A simple type of screeen is installed at the inlet of the pump gate in order to filter the debris for
      the safe pump operation.

                               Actuator cover is opened for a check prior to the trial operation.

                                      Pump is discharging the inside water at the trial operation.

      The side view shows the actuator in the left and the small housing for the local control panel in
       the right at the top of the structure.

      Safe fence is installed just at the outlet of the pump gate in order to prevent the access. Robochain
      for the pump control/ power cables is hung in the middle from the top platform to the pumps on
       the gate.

2017년 5월 26일 금요일

HASUH Pump Gate®, completed in Bongseo-ri, Gurea-gun, Jeonnam-do, Korea

Project               : Yangjeong Pump Station
Pump Capacity  : Ф500mm x 30cmm x 4.5mH x 2ea
Contract Period : 2008. 07. 08 ~  10. 06
Location            : Bongseo-ri, Gurea-gun, Jeonnam-do, Korea

The existing concrete structure can be used with a slight revamping if pump gate system is applied to the existing simple blind gate without pump.

      The above shows the original two (2) sets of blind gate prior to the application of pump gate.
                                              The existing blind gate is taken out for removal.
              Pump test is performed at the manufacturer's factory during the factory acceptance test.
                                      A slight revamping work is made at the guide frame.
                                 The assembly of a gate with two pumps is lifted for the installation.
                                   Actuator is lowered on the frame after the two racks installed.
                 Cover is put on the actuator and local control panel is positioned beside the actuator.
                            A small housing for a local control panel is lifted for the installation.
             Screen is erected at the opposite inlet of the water tunnel to which pump gate is attached.
                  Test operation is performed at the site after the completion of the installation.
      The side view shows the housing for the local control panel in the middle and the actuator cover
       at the right.
       The above is the view from the bottom to the top platform for actuator and local control panel.
        Robo-chain for protection of pump power/ control cables is hung from the top platform.
      The front view shows the newly installed pump gate at the left. The right gate remains as a blind
       gate without pump.

2017년 5월 25일 목요일

HASUH Pump Gate®, completed in Tongbok-dong, Pyeongtaek-city,Gyeonggi-do, Korea

Project               : Tongbok Pump Station
Pump Capacity  : Ф1,000mm x 140cmm x 2.5mH x 1ea
                           : Ф600mm x 57cmm x 2.1mH x 2ea
Contract Period : 2008. 05. 30 ~  08. 08
Location            : Tongbok-dong, Pyeongtaek-city, Gyeonggi-do, Korea

This project is composed of the two (2) hinged pump gates construction to increase the discharging capacity of the existing conventional pump station and one (1) hinged pump gate application to the existing retarding reservoir at some distance to the above pump station.

     The above map shows that the existing pump station and the retarding reservoir  are adjoining the
      identical main river as a downstream.

   The building in the middle is the existing pump station. Four (4) outlets with flap valve on the wall
   of the pump house continue to play the role of discharging. The existing vertical operation actuators
   at the right/ left of the pump house will keep the blind gate open after the completion of this project.
The open/ close function of the flow will be played by the newly installed hinged pump gate. The
two concrete structure for the newly installed pump gate are seen adjoining the main stream.       
Hinged gate is connected at the pivot for the swing operation.
Pump is lowered for the mounting on the hinged gate.    
    Structure for the hinged pump gate is ereted at the retarding reservoir. The existing bank seperating
   the retarding reservoir and the main river had only concrete tunnel for the natural flow without gate.
     Screen is erected for the safe pump operation at the inlet of the hinged pump gate of the retarding   reservoir.                                                                                                                                        
Hydraulic power unit is installed in order to supply the hydraulic power to the cylinder for the open/ close operation of the hinged pump gate as an actuator.                                                                       
The side view shows the screen, hinged pump gate and the hydraulic cylinder at the retarding
 The above shows the two hinged pump gates at the open position with the existing conventional
pump station in the background.                                                                                                   


2017년 5월 23일 화요일

HASUH Pump Gate®, completed in Sora-myeon, Yeosu-city,Jeonnam-do, Korea

Project               : Duckyang Pump Station
Pump Capacity  : Ф600mm x 45cmm x 3.7mH x 2ea
Contract Period : 2006. 11. 08 ~ 2007. 11. 19
Location            : Sora-myeon, Yeosu-city, Jeonnam-do, Korea

Pump gate site is just next to Duckyang Railroad Station in the rural area.
Civil work starts with the sheet piles installed to prevent landslide.         
Bottom beam of guide frame is positioned at its designed location keeping
the horizontality and perpendicularity with accurate leveling survey.        
Construction stage is in the process of rebar work for concrete floor and wall.
Side beams and upper beams for guide frame are erected on the bottom beams.
Rotary screen is installed at the inlet of pump gate for safe pump operation.
Pump gate is lowered for the installation.
Actuator is lowered at the top of the structure.
Local control panel is positioned at its location.
Flap gate is installed at the downstream of pump gate in order to prevent
                       seawater from flowing back at high tide.          
The front view shows the two sets of pump gate & actuator. 
The rear view shows flap gates.