2017년 5월 26일 금요일

HASUH Pump Gate®, completed in Bongseo-ri, Gurea-gun, Jeonnam-do, Korea

Project               : Yangjeong Pump Station
Pump Capacity  : Ф500mm x 30cmm x 4.5mH x 2ea
Contract Period : 2008. 07. 08 ~  10. 06
Location            : Bongseo-ri, Gurea-gun, Jeonnam-do, Korea

The existing concrete structure can be used with a slight revamping if pump gate system is applied to the existing simple blind gate without pump.

      The above shows the original two (2) sets of blind gate prior to the application of pump gate.
                                              The existing blind gate is taken out for removal.
              Pump test is performed at the manufacturer's factory during the factory acceptance test.
                                      A slight revamping work is made at the guide frame.
                                 The assembly of a gate with two pumps is lifted for the installation.
                                   Actuator is lowered on the frame after the two racks installed.
                 Cover is put on the actuator and local control panel is positioned beside the actuator.
                            A small housing for a local control panel is lifted for the installation.
             Screen is erected at the opposite inlet of the water tunnel to which pump gate is attached.
                  Test operation is performed at the site after the completion of the installation.
      The side view shows the housing for the local control panel in the middle and the actuator cover
       at the right.
       The above is the view from the bottom to the top platform for actuator and local control panel.
        Robo-chain for protection of pump power/ control cables is hung from the top platform.
      The front view shows the newly installed pump gate at the left. The right gate remains as a blind
       gate without pump.

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