2017년 5월 22일 월요일

HASUH Pump Gate®, completed in Joongma-dong, Gwangyang-city, Jeonnam-do, Korea

Project               : Joongma Pump Station
Pump Capacity  : Ф700mm x 62.4cmm x 2.9mH x 3ea
Contract Period : 2006. 02. 21 ~ 06. 07
Location            : Joongma-dong, Gwangyang-city, Jeonnam-do, Korea

Normally the type of opening/ closing movement of pump gate by actuator is vertical operation. However, if overpass runs next to the pump gate site or the site condition requires the utilization of the space under the vehicle road, the design can not allow the vertical operation of pump gate. In addition, the vertical operation cann't be applied in order to avoid disturbing the skyline to the place where aesthetic appreciation of the landscape is respected.
Pivotal swing operation of pump gate can be the best solution to the above difficult cases. As overpass runs next to this Joongma pump station site, the vertical movement of pump gate cann't be applied. Pivotal swing operation by the actuator with hydraulic cylinder was introduced to this project for the first time.
                       As overpass runs just next to the pump station site, the vertical operation
                        of pump gate cann't be applied to this project.
Guide frames are erected at their positions for the civil concrete work.
Pump test is performed to confirm the discharge capacity at the manufacturer's
                   factory during the factory acceptance test.               
Hydraulic power unit is installed as an actuator to open/ close the pump gate.
Pump is mounted on the gate leaf before the integrated pump gate is installed.
         Hydraulic cylinder connects the integrated pump gate and the hydraulic power unit.
Rotary screen is installed at the inlet of pump gate for the safe pump operation
                   by filtering debris.                                                                                          
   Flap gate is installed across the road at the downstream in order to prevent 
                       sea water from flowing back into the pump gate system.    
Trial operation of pump gate is performed to confirm the smooth operation.
The side view shows the three sets of hydraulic cylinder connecting the hydraulic  
                power unit and the pump gate.    
The front view shows overpass at the left, three sets of rotary screen in the middle
and jib crane at the right.                                                                                       


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