2017년 1월 31일 화요일

HASUH Pump Gate®, completed in Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea

Project                : Songjeong Pump Station
Pump Capacity   :  Ф 600mm x 50cmm x 4mH x 1ea
Contract Period  : 2012. 06. 01 ~ 08. 31
Location             : Gyeongan-dong, Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea

                         Guide frame is installed at its location with bottom beam, side beams and
                           upper beam.

                              Concrete structure is provided for major equipments installation.

                               Side beam for roller gate movement is shown at the side of the
                                concrete structure.

Pump is mounted on the gate at Factory Acceptance Inspection.
       Pump gate is installed at the site after the completion
                                            of Factory Acceptance Inspection.
                                      Two spindles connecting the pump gate and the actuator
                                         are shown at the structure within the fence.
                             The whole pump gate system is shown after the completion of the

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