2017년 1월 31일 화요일

HASUH Pump Gate®, completed in Jeongup-si, Jeonbuk-do, Korea

Project               : Sintaein Pump Station
Pump Capacity  : Ф700mm x 65cmm x 2.5mH x 4ea
Contract Period : 2012. 05. 18 ~ 08. 31
Location            : Sintaein-eup, Jeongeup-si, Jeonbuk-do, Korea

                         Bottom beam is installed at its position at the early stage of construction.

Side beams and upper beam are installed as part of guide frame.
 Roller gate is installed with the main rollers guided on side beams
                               of guide frame.
                        Actuators are installed at the top of the structure. Self descendable spindle
                          type is applied for the actuator.
                                                Local control panel is installed at the top.
                              Pump operation test is performed during the pre-commissioning.
                                 Operation test for local control panel is performed at the site.
                             The front view shows the entire system after the completion of the

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